Next Generation is a new non-profit organisation that brings together enthusiastic young men and women from Russian speaking backgrounds to share, learn and help each other to set up companies, launch careers, take the reins of the family business, manage inherited wealth and make a positive impact on society.
We believe that to begin and to grow a successful career or business, a strong support network is just as important as qualifications and knowledge. Next Generation are the children of the entrepreneurs and business leaders, who face the unique challenge of finding their own path to success.
Events include regular networking and social events, debates, and discussions where young people can share their ideas and projects, forge friendships and help and support each other. Talks and presentations held in partnership with various experts will cover practical topics such as investments and philanthropy. At other sessions, inspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders are invited to share their experience and offer advice to our members.
Next Generation was founded in June 2017. After a successful launch of Women Who Inspire organization Olga Vysokova felt that young people could also benefit from and enjoy similar community. Daria Ratobylskaya is a young marketing professional working asset management and advisory boutique RGL Capital. Next Generation brings together her own experience of career building in London, her insider knowledge of financial markets, and her love of socialising.
Очень круто было. Спасибо за приглашение. Прям перед друзями было приятно, что позвал на такой классный ивент. Они мне все потом написали и сказали спасибо!
Mikhail Sprogis
Большое спасибо за ивент на этой неделе! Приятная компания собралась, really well done
Vitaliy Gubskiy
Great event, thank you, can’t wait for the next one
Anna-Ester Volozh
Ladies you’ve been amazing – great job and very pleasant experience which is good!!!
Alexander Lushnikov
Спасибо огромное за организацию мероприятия, все было на высшем уровне, вы большие молодцы! Поэтому с удовольствием приду на другие ивенты, которые будут вами организованы!
Mariya Boyko
Спасибо большое за приглашение! Вы молодцы!)
Alexander Frolov
Это был первый ивент, на который я ходила и мне реально было супер интересно послушать всех участников форума!!!
Victoria Chazova
Ольга & Дарья, Спасибо еще раз за приглашение и за прекрасно организованное мероприятие! Было очень интересно и полезно. Надеюсь до скорых встреч!
Olesia Chi
Дарья, Ольга, Вы прекрасно провели все! Спасибо за приглашение!
Dmitriy Zapol
Спасибо большое, мне правда мероприятие понравилось!
Alina Bezuglova
In russian: